How to Personalize Sentries! (Difficulty 0/10 or ⬜)

Hello! This is my first guide, so please do not be surprised if it isn’t the best guide!

Step 1, Grab some sentries. You will need 4 sentries for this.

Step 2, lets focus on the 1st sentry. Get some ground hay from the props, and place it on his head. (I chose the smallest version of the hay, but you can shrink other hay as you please.)

You can add some props to make him look more detailed but I added a pitchfork.

Step 3 , Now lets go to the next sentry. Get a dry bush and put it on his head.

Woah, Woah, Thats too big. size it down a little by pushing this button.

That’s better.
Then, color his hair by going to appearance and coloring it brown like this.

There! now we can add some things to him. This guy deserves a briefcase.

Step 4, Lets go to the third guy. He needs to be fancy.
This it kind of tricky.
Get a snowman and color him pitch black.

Then put a sentry in front of him.

(You might have to resize the snowman because he is too big)
And I want to add a monocle to this guy…
You can add a barrier, change it to a circle, color it light blue, layer it over the eye.

Step 5, Lets make a knight! Get a armor display and shrink it to fit the sentry.

Then, add a roller, and a shield. (you might need to layer the shield)

This is how it turned out!

Thank you for reading my guide!
(There would have been more pictures but had to delete them because I am new.)


Nice first guide!
Welcome to the forums @BurgerKing!

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I like it, bro! Welcome to the forums, @BurgerKing!

Nice first guide, and welcome to the community @BurgerKing! I like the knight and farmer, looks realistic.

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Welcome to the forum, @BurgerKing! It’s always nice to see a new user to the forum whose first post is a guide!


You guys are so encouraging and kind! Thank you for your support!


Nice guide and welcome to the forum!

Another way could be a laser with no damage. Maybe you create an effect like this.

Unfortunately, I assume this effect happened because the color of the laser blended in with the gim.


Wow, Nice tip, It looks really cool

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Thank You guys so much for reading this, but can someone please rate the level out of 10? I do not know how to create a poll.

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Like the difficulty?

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(Use this post for your poll making needs on your guide:


Yes, Thank you! The difficulty was what I meant!

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Great guide and welcome to the community! Make sure to check out the new-user-must-read and beginner-must-read tags!

Great first guide @BurgerKing and welcome to the forum!

You should have added the 0/10 option. It’s 0/10 since it’s art.


I think not having a difficulty implies that it is 0/10.

I added the difficulty for you. It’s 0/10 or :white_large_square: because it’s an art guide.

Ok Thanks for helping!

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You can also create custom sentries using barriers. Great guide though!

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Cool Guide and welcome to the fourm, @BurgerKing!