Uh oh stinky
Looks like im going to have to make my guide more unique, but my brain is you know what
hey @Fruity-Gim I used kelki.com to make the thingy sorry I had to go but I happened to bring this computer.(Just GimGamer1)
You’re not allowed to have alt accounts.
Awww but fine here we go after hour of hour of email Jeff to get to this point. Sigh
You can just login on your main account on each device you use, so alts aren’t necessary.
Wait-a minute how do you delete a account?
cough but no flaming on my post, it’s flammable and i haven’t a fire extinguisher
We’re not flaming. Flaming refers to an argument, or a heated debate, neither of which applies to this.
We’re quickly discussing a matter that is important.
As long as I know, you can’t, but just don’t login to it anymore and don’t post on it.
Conversation over, finished.
Oh oki, sorry for over reacting and have a good day
welp bye forever on this acount
this is a very good guide thx
great guide!!
After I saw this guide, I started shading my gims, and they look a lot better.
Ok bro lol! I don’t even know what to say when you said that!
Great Guide!
Pizza Approved
yes indeed, its a GREAT guide
Yes indeed.
yep i agree