How to make your damage decrease the first time you knocked out someone

Alrighty I make simple and short guides so I’m going to make this quick.
Step 1: Add a Damage Boost device, and a KO manager.
Make the KO manager’s settings look like this: (only if your game is humans vs. bot)

If your game is not Humans VS. Bots, change knockout target to player.
And for the Damage Boost, set the boost to something lower than 1.

Step 2:
Wire the KO manager and the Damage boost together. It should look like this:

And there! You’re done! Now after your first KO, your damage will be lowered!


If you want to slow your character a bit, wire the KO manager to a Speed Modifier.
Set the Speed Modifier’s speed to something lower than 1.
Now after your first KO, you will be slowed down a little.

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Nice Guide!
Some people might want decreasing and increasing damage or a weapons-race type game so you can add that for an extra challenge! (who doesn’t want to challenge themselves?)
Plus, it adds to the guide decreasing the chances to be flagged.
I dislike short guides (no offense) that don’t go much into detail about a certain mechanic/thing in creative as they can cause clutter and/or confuse new people.
When making a guide, I suggest adding lots of pictures and explanations to allow new gims to have a better experience here.

Also, people can pick the “How Hard” thing in your poll as an option.
You can click the gear in the bottom-left-corner before you insert your poll to change some poll settings.
Here’s a better poll:

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0 voters

Nice guide!

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Thanks, but I only mean for it to be a damage change for the FIRST time you knockout somebody.

Whoops, I misread it.

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Did you edit it? Cuz the title changed

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Why did none of you vote an actual logical answer?


Nice guide!