How to make working Stamin-Up! Inspired by COD Zombies! [Difficulty šŸŸ¦] Perk A Colas V7

Nice guide! Iā€™m not sure exactly what it is because I donā€™t play COD but it seems cool.


what about the other perks you wanna know? i played all of the cods and this cods @Cod_Zombies so i know all the perks but which one u want?

what i don't know.

i donā€™t know morden wafare 3


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(I learned this the hard way, trust me)


@Haiasi i never knew it would just make people click spoiler/hide details more but let go back on topic as i just used that in my guide and now i donā€™t know which to delete it or keep it.

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Iā€™m trying to add every perk,but some perks like Mule Kick and PhD Flopper might not be able to happen yet

but it could when jeffo and the gimkit team add the new update


Yeah,true true good thinking

What do those perks do?

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Which one? Thereā€™s been a variety of perks over the years

The ones you mentioned might not be able to happen

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Well, PhD Flopper grants multiple effects. It makes you immune to fall damage and explosive damage,and whenever you flop/dolphin dive onto the ground,it creates and explosion. Mule Kick allows the player to have an additional weapon slot,but that weapon is lost when downed and cannot be recovered unless the Mystery Box is used

There are surely more that might not be possible yet

But question answered!

Iā€™ve read the poll votes guys. @Haiasi, i am currently trying to add a Stamin-Up machine prop,and the speed to get removed when knocked out. The reason i made this is i love Cod Zombies,and iā€™m making a map, and Stamin-Up is iconic,and for the map,ideal for means of travel, @ClicClac, @aegleu and @Grey_Stone. Thanks for support,even though it may not be the best! Iā€™ll keep trying!


Some things,sadly are impossible for now.(also you play cod zombies and stuff)

yes i do

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Please dont get off topic!

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(post deleted by author)

Now,letā€™s run the extra mile with this on guys!
seriously,on topic

(u forgot to bump the guide and he already said about the on topic) one question where is the player gonna purchase it from?