first step get a rover button teleporters first you place down 2 rovers set the first one to show on game start and second to not show on game start then place a spawnpoint right above and touching the rover then place down a button right next to spawnpoint then copy and paste the devices to second rover but relpace the spawn with teleport have it so when button is pressed it teleports player to the teleporter hide the teleporter this should work its tested i cant add images because my computer wont let me
place rover and spawn like this
than add button
than copy rover
than add teleporter
now wire button to rover
than wire button to teleporter
than change second rover to not visible at game start and wire button to second rover like this
this will work it is tested copy and paste it and wire as much as you want to make drive as far as you want also add borders like this
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I like the idea your going for here but next time please format it better and remember, pictures are powerful!
picture, not plural, its their first day they can only post one.
however if they talk and read more they can upgrade to TL1 giving them the ability to post more pictures
they said in the guide their computer isn’t letting them post the image, I think that’s why there isn’t a picture for this, other than that @sebarex good guide!