How to make where one player on a team get an item

The question is the summary but yeah I’m trying to make it where one player/killer has an item and the item gets when the game starts


starting inventory will be what u want to use its a device

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I thought i just solved this?

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differen’t one the one before was questions not at the beggining

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thanks your helpful @anonymous12

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your welcome

wait nvm how do you make where only one team has that item

life cycle make sure its on game start event then hook up the lifecycle to a relay, have it been a certain team than have the item granted attached to the relay

Use the random player on team option on a relay. I’m not sure if exists though.


The option still exists. It is very helpful.

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Make a lifecycle with game start, and connect it to a relay that says random player on specific team.
Event occurs – Trigger Relay
Now connect the relay to an item granter.
Relay Trigger – Grant item

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