How to make upgrade last for X time then go back to normal?

Im making a capture the flag and I have a shop for each team. In the shop I have a speed upgrade which makes their whole team go fast. Im trying to make it so the team only goes fast for 15 seconds after buying the upgrade and then back to normal speed. Any Help?


I see your question here. I would show you how to do it but I unfortunately can not right now. However, I can suggest this guide to you.

What you can do with this guide is to copy or use the mecahnic of the speed, choose your own X amount of time for it to last, and attach it to a vending machine and relay for a specific team.

Also, Welcome to the Forums @Daxipoo!


Not sure :thinking: but welcome to the forums!

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Welcome to the forums!

so you will make a vending machine and make it cost cash or something and then wire the vending machine to a relay ( item bought → relay)

and change the relay to all player on specific team ( make the team whatever the upgrade is for)

then you are going to get a speed device and make it however fast you want them and wire the relay to it ( relay → set speed)

then get a trigger and make it so it can’t be see and it can’t be triggered if stepped on!
then wire the vending machine to trigger (item bought → trigger) and the set the second waited on the trigger for 15 seconds

relay and change it to all players on specific team ( the team that is getting the upgrade) and wire the trigger to it (triggered → relay)
then get a speed device and make the speed 1.00 and wire the relay to the speed (relayed → set speed)

and ur done!


*forums but just correcting you

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@Daxipoo if you want you can mark this as a solution, just tap “Solution” and mods can close this post

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What you need:

1 Trigger

Trigger delay: 15
Trigger by player collision: No

2 Speed Moderators

Speed: 1

When upgrade purchased>Speed Moderator #1 (Set player to configured speed)
When upgrade purchased>Trigger (Trigger)
Trigger>Speed Moderator #2 (When triggered, set player to configured speed)

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