How to make the Roofing hide when you get close to it! (Repost because it got closed for no reason)

How to make roofing hide when you get close to it! (Simular to Zombs Royale)

  1. Make your room

  1. Add a sign and size it up to cover the entire room

  1. Add a Zone device and wire it to the sign

  1. Set the wire to When Player Enters Zone > Hide Prop
  2. Get a Wire Repeater and wire it to the Zone Device

  1. Set the Wire to When Player Leaves Zone > Repeat Wire Pulse
  2. Wire the Repeater to the sign and Set the wire to When the Wire recieves a pulse… > Show Prop
  3. Test it out! When you get close or enter the area of the prop, the Sign should hide, when you leave, The prop shows again!

I think it was closed because there was another post about it and we decided to sort of merge them together. You also said it was okay because the new post was more detailed, so a mod might have mistook it as you were okay with that guide being the “main” one.

ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
ㅤ ㅤ

Please create a different topic in the help category for questions unrelated to this, thank you!

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I made this because my other one got deleted and unlisted for no reason

I made the post first tho…

But it’ll clutter down the forum.

Like I said, the mods might have mistook what you said for “I’m okay with the new guide being the main one”

Ight I will close it

Hey Argo!

I close Topics, especially guides, when the question is answered. This forum is not a place for chat. Leaving Topics open is inviting spam, abuse, and clutter. The reason I closed your initial Topic was because it was good! It told people how to add roofing and was a great tutorial. Case closed, no need to have it open any longer!