How to make the pacer test w/ Sam

Hi. I’m back.


I just figured making a WIP is the simplest solution :smile:

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Easiest- certainly not the best though. WIPs cause clutter, and clutter is bad. Even if you do finish the WIP, it sets a bad example for newer users.

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What’s a WIP?

work in progress.

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Don’t you only post something once it’s finished?

You don’t have to, @GrammarPolice. If you are a Basic or below(TL1 or below), you want to post it after you finish the guide. If you are Tl2 or above, you have a month or more to edit.

@StacheIsTaken, I’m Captain-Gim not Supergim, but funny. Nice and funny guide. Except, I LIKE THE PACER TEST AND RUNNING!


Ehh, sorry! The Pacer test is fine for me but many people hate it.


The pacer test often has a limit, (Some don’t) it would be realistic to add that

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Done with the basics, now I’ll work on pictures and better format and more Sam

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Why is there “test” twice on the guide’s title?

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Oh, sorry, my bad! It’s because the title was longer, then I shortened it but forgot to remove the second test.

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