How to Make The Outside of a Sky-Scraper

So you want to make a sky-scraper huh? Keep in note that this is only the outside of the building but you can add an inside. This is my first post so don’t judge too hard, but I would love some feedback in order to make things better.
Ok let’s get started

What you need

Space Terrain (not moving)
Metal Pole
Metal Sign
Light Scrap Terrain
Large Metal Sign

First Step

Place down 4x10 Space Terrain
Like this

Second Step

Place metal poles along the terrain
You can adjust the size

Third Step

The Roof
Add 11x10 Light Scrap Walls to the top like this

Then fill it in with Metallic Light terrain

Fourth Step

Add a metal signs between the space terrain and the light scraps wall
Like this

Fifth Step

Add a black circle barrier with on top
Like This:

Then add a slightly smaller barrier to the inside with no border
Color number is: 116, 116, 103

After that add an “H” Text to the middle

Last Step

These details are just decorative so you don’t have to include them
Add 2 metal signs on the roof these could be an AC or stairs it up to you

Then you can add a sidewalk and a door
The sidewalk is concrete and the door is a metal pole and a metal sign

And finally, shadows
Place down a barrier with these settings
Screenshot 2024-08-16 12.18.26 PM
In this position but without the border

And thats it! Thank you for reading and have a good day

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Welcome @Giminator to the forums and I think this is a good guide

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Thank you so much I really appreciate that!

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@Giminator Welcome! I hope you like it here!

Here is a difficulty poll.

Difficulty Poll
  • :white_medium_square: (This is super easy and involves no wiring/code.)
  • :blue_square: (This is super easy but may require a couple setting tweaks/wire(s). Or simple art.)
  • :yellow_square: (Involves simple code/moderate wires or setting changes, or art.)
  • :orange_square: (Involves moderate code/moderate to heavy layering/art, setting changes.)
  • :red_square: (Heavy Code/Layering/Art or ADVANCED stuff.)
0 voters

Who voted hardest thing to understand…


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Def not me… cough*