then duplicate it and make them not transparent and in front of the big circle you just made
and then make three rectangle barriers and angle them to make it look like a mustache till it looks something like this
u jst made a help topic on this
and in the picture u showed within that topic had way more detail
and yes
this is very short
and it might get flagged due to lack of need? plus i dont think people would think this is needed as a whole guide
oh im sorry i didnt realize o_o
also necropost means not to post on a post that was made a long time ago. unless it is like a guide
for example:
a help topic was made 6 months ago and the last reply was 5 months ago.
but then someone makes a post on it. that is necroposting
n3cro like reviving (like a necromancer)
and posting as like yea. posting lol
and with the picture thing that picture in that help topic was actually from Sonic generations not sonic 2 it would look something like this in sonic 2