How to make sure a team gets points?

I have a capture the flag server im working on, but it won’t give me points for capturing the flag. So, I am trying to make sure a team gets points when they capture a flag, but I’m not quite sure how to do that. Help please!

Use a property and a counter.

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I havent worked with the devices much so to be honest I don’t know what specifically to do.

You could use flag zone and a counter to give a player an item and set the leaderboard so it measures how many items the team has collectively.

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Try this:

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I do have the flag zone @WhereIsMyHat, but it wont score the point

That’s what I did, before I deleted it

I should read that.

Thank you @The_7th_Dragon


You’re welcome!
Also, be sure to look things up before you make a topic because 90% of the time there’s a guide on it.


Ok thank you @The_7th_Dragon

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