How to make Squid Games Mingle! (🟧)

Hello Guys, with Squid Game Season 2 recently out, I wanted to help you make Game #3, Mingle!


P1: so first, you need to make your background sand. You can do this by pressing edit, map, and search for sand. Like this

P2: Now, place three bariers of circular shape and resize them, make sure collision is of for two of them. It should look something like this:

P3: This is the last preperatory step! Add the rooms/doors. It should look a bit like this:

I also went ahead and added camera view and barriers


  1. Add buttons. After added, make sure that they are invisible in game. Result looks like this:

  2. Name the buttons. (I hope I don’t need to put a picture for this lol)

  3. Create Rooms. Make sure to scatter them a bit far away from the mingle. While doing this step, you also need to color the rooms with the door color. This is what it should look like:

  4. Now, link up the rooms with teleporters and wires, make sure the teleporters are invisible to make it look better, and make sure the wires look like this:

  5. Repeat step four (x7) times until all of the teleporters are connected. If you would like to save memory, you may also use channels.

  6. Now, It’s time for the fun part! We are going to add counters. Make sure their target value is two, and increase it everytime someone teleports in the room. It should look like this:

  7. Repeat step 6 until all of the rooms have the feature.

  8. We are almost done! Attach wires to the counters and but them back to the button. Then, make sure you do this with the wire:

  9. Repeat Step 8 until all of the buttons are as shown.

  10. We are almost done! Now it’s time to make a timer. You have 15 seconds to make it to the door. To do this, we will make a counter visible to all! Use F1R3F0X’s guide on clocks for help. (I will use channels to do this as wires weren’t working properly with it)

  11. This is the last step! Now, we need to make a timer to be able to go back in mingle. We will use the same process as in step #10, but instead, will have a 25 second timer that activates on game start. These are examples on who to wire your clocks and lazers:

There you have it! feel free to reply if there is anything wrong with the guide. The guide is a bit incomplete, but ill fix it asap.


It looks good, but I’d suggest providing an alternative version with channels instead of wires. Most people, as far as I know, prefer channels to wires because they’re easier to use and don’t cost memory. The channel version would probably become upstream, I think.

Your grammar and formatting were good, but you could take it up a level by employing some drop downs and headers. There’s a great Markdown tutorial out there, let me see if I can find it.


Thanks for the feedback!

Is is ok if i add this guide on my squid game wiki?

How would the music even stop?

Of course you can! Do as you would like.

this is fire, nice guide.
seems like u worked hard on it.

(however make a note saying that all of the codes are inactive cause codes are in these pics and they are not allowed, just saying this so it does not get taken down.)

I did it, welcome to the squid game guide!

I will soon add the channel version instead of wires.