How to make sell station

do you want to know how to make a sell station well here is how
Devices needed
Vending machines(x1)
wire repeater (x1)

Step 1: place down a button and put in the following settings

Step 2 place down a vending machine with these settings

items don’t have to be the same
Step 3 get a wire repeater and wire it to the vending machine like this

Step 4 wire the button to the vending machine like showed

and you’re done
If the player does not have item send notification
Step get notification device and wire the vending machine like this

Step 2 in the notification make it say whatever you want. oh and for notification type do error

nice Guide I hope this one won’t be flagged gulp

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thanks I made this one longer so I’m hopeful It does not get flagged

Try making something unique, there are many guides on this thing, I won’t flag, but someone else most likely will.

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I think this qualifies as long enough, but it is on the short and simple side. You should make guides that aren’t this easy, otherwise it might look like you are trying to farm likes.

Otherwise, this is a good start! :+1:

Over time you will get better at expaining! :smiley:

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ok thank you for the tips


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