So, you want to make a spaceship? Okay I got 7 different designs, 1 being the simplest and 7 being the most complex spaceship my brain can handle(it’s probably still not that complex). This is my second post so don’t judge too hard, but I would love some feedback in order to make things better.
Ok let’s get started
What You Need
Cardboard Box
Wooden Bucket
Barrel (Empty)
Bicycle Rack
Basket Of Apples
Arena Flag (red)
Metal Pole
Spaceship Barrier (Horizontal)
Spaceship Barrier (Vertical)
Metal Sign (the wide rectangle one )
Metal Sign (the pointy one)
Broken Glass
Vertical Space Bed (Yellow)
Grey Space Container (on)
Purple Space Container (on)
Light Grey Space Container (On)
All black Barrier ( no border
Metal Cup
Blue Space bed Vertical
And that’s all you need (I know it’s a lot)
Rocket 1
The Basement Rocket
I don’t think you need a build guide for this one
Rocket 2
Ole Johny
Step 1
Place down an empty barrel with a bicycle rack on top and a red arena flag behind it
Step 2
Place a one barrel on both sides of the bicycle rack, then place a basket of apples at the bottoms of those barrels
Rocket 3
The Sky Bird
Step 1
Place down 1 Purple space container with 2 Gray space containers behind it
Step 2
Add a metal pole to both sides of the container. Then add a metal sign to the bottom of each pole
Step 3
Shrink and add a Horizontal Spaceship Barrier behind the last container then a the broken glass behind the barrier
Rocket 4
The Space Hawk
Step 1
Place down 2 light gray space containers with a horizontal space barrier behind them
Step 2
Place down a vertical space barrier on both sides of the first container and place down a metal sign under the first container facing forwards
Step 3
Place down 2 metal signs on both sides of the bottom space container facing south-east and south-west
Rocket 5
Delta IV
Step 1
Place 2 purple space containers with a horizontal space barrier behind them
Step 2
Place a long metal sign between the containers and place a pointy one in front of the first container
Step 3
Place three vertical barriers behind the horizontal barrier
Rocket 6
The Space Shuttle
Step 1
Place down 2 gray space containers with a horizontal space barrier behind them
Step 2
Add a light Gray space container to the bottom, then add the all black barrier to the middle of the container
it should looked like this
Then add a metal cup to where the handle of the cup is under the barrier but the cup part isn’t
Step 3
Add 2 vertical space barriers on either side
Step 4
Add this broken glass
To the top of the first container
then add 2 metal signs on either side of the first container
Rocket 7
The SpaceX
Step 1
Place a light gray space container followed by a horizontal space barrier and then another container
Step 2
Place a yellow space bed on a sign
it should look like this
Then place it on the front
Step 3
make this shape out of metal signs
Then place it under the last container
Step 5
Place a blue space bed on a metal sign then place a vertical barrier behind the space bed
It should look like this
Then place a horizontal space barrier at the bottom
Finally copy it twice and place it on the wings
Rocket 8
The Round Rocket
Step 1
Place a Red vertical space bed on top of a sign
Step 2
Use a bunch of barriers to make an oval shape
The color is: 44-43-43
Use 2 circle barriers to create windows
their color is: 0-123-255
Step 3
Add another Red vertical bed on a sign but small and add a long metal sign to the side
Do this again but have to metal be on the other side
Step 4
Add a metal cup and the fire emoji to each wing
Then connect them to the rocket
All of them together.
And there you go! I hope you could understand my gibberish and here’s a poll so you can pick your favorite
- Rocket 1(The Basement Rocket)
- Rocket 2 (Ole Johnny)
- Rocket 3 (The Sky Bird)
- Rocket 4 (The Space Hawk)
- Rocket 5 (Delta IV)
- Rocket 6 (The Space Shuttle)
- Rocket 7 (The SpaceX)