Yep. I have to cut my house, and my churches.
I’m making The Ultimate Guide to… Tag!
Nice Public Service Announcement
Like a specific game or all the mechanics?
Tag? Like when you tag a person? or like tags like art or ideas?
Tag royale, tag infection, tag classic, freeze tag, that type of tag+ powerups, etc.
All the mechanics (hence The Ultimate Guide)
That sounds fun! I might look at that to learn about tag zones and KO managers.
Nice. How close are you?
Just started it 2 days ago, and since it’s the weekend progress has been slow… (my fault, though)
We need a TUGT:
What else?
1wo style
Come again?
One way out style games
Oh… That checks out!
I see why you were so well liked on the old forums.
Two questions…
A) How are you a regular if I have never seen you before?
B) Why do you say that I was well-liked? I was mostly giving confusing answers…
Apoll02 has been here since june 5th, and you, blackhole, gimpossible, archer_thesu, zypheir, and navycatz were like the big helpers back then (one of them still is a huge helper).
Is it NavyCatZ or BlackHole927
- I’m not super prominent or anything
- I have never heard anyone say anything about you that wasn’t nostalgic about how good you were, or directly complimenting your skill. Our activity times briefly interacted,(back to one) but when they did I always looked up to you (and I know many others did too).