How to make players drop items when they are eliminated

Maybe using checkers and life cycles but I don’t know how

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Use the Knockout Manager device, I think it has a setting of dropping items…

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While searching before posting is a great way to find answers, you may want to tone things down a bit.


If there is a way to check what items the player has you can give those items to the player that knocked them out

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Use the Inventory Item manager device and a property to keep track of an item a player has.


yeah then my idea should work

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well I want the player who eliminated the other player to get the items they had

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then the system I made should work

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Lifecycle, checker, item granter

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What kind of life cycle

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When player knocked out and when player knocks out.

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Isn’t there a setting in map options for this?

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No. I don’t think so

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You should check because I’m pretty sure I saw one

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i don’t get it. If you did when player knocked out it would give it to the player you knocked out

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I checked there isn’t

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When player knocked out, wired to checker
When player knocks out, wired to deactivated trigger
When check passes, activate trigger
When trigger triggered, grant item

Make trigger active scope player. And there is no map setting for this.


One last thing, if check fails, deactivate trigger

You might need a delay before triggering the trigger too. Maybe

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