How to make player stats

I am making a fun game but idk how to make player stats for my lobby, when you are waiting for teams.


Elaborate more please.
And, also welcome!


Use properties to keep track of the stats then display the property in text boxes or something

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I am making the lobby part of the game and I couldn’t figure out how to use proprieties to show custom player stats after you win loose or get a knock out.

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Welcome to the forums @Call24whem!

That PFP looks amazing @Bardy_2913


@Rainbow thx! @Voidfluffy made it.

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Thank you its nice to be here


Rip @Voidfluffy

btw @Call24whem, you can make properties update based on counters. When you get knocked out, have 1 counter increase when that happens, the same for the knockouts. MAKE SURE THESE ARE PLAYER SCOPED BTW

For the text, you can then just have the text update to show the property when the property updates


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