How to make NPC interactions (like in Regretavator)

Hi this is a guide on how to make NPC interactions with players and make NPCs react when players do something (for example using an item on them a certain amount of times).


1 notification
1 sentry
1 checker (to check if the NPC should say something depending on what has happened.)
1 life cycle (start the trigger loop)
1 trigger (trigger loops :slight_smile: )
6 properties!
1 counter

NPC interactions

First place a sentry, and make it on the players team (this is because the NPC is friendly)
then, make a trigger loop like this
Screenshot 2024-10-07 10.46.54 AM
add a notification device, and make block code like this

then make a 5 properties set up like this

now for the interactions where the player can annoy the NPC in certain ways
place a button and set it up like this

place a counter set up like this

then make a new property called "TimesAnnoyed’ set it up like this

then make a checker set it up like this

then make a damager and set it up like this

finally place a lifecycle and make it so that the event is game start and the message to brodcast on is “Say Thing” and your done!

this guide is inspired by Regretavator!

Guide Difficulty
  • 1/10
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  • 9/10
  • 10/10
0 voters

AMazing I kind of always wanted this! @Fleet

1 Like

An elevator game on Roblox, on some floors NPC’s will come into the elevator and talk until they leave on a floor, for example on one floor you will meet party noob, eventually on a party floor he will leave to go to that party!

I know I red some just liked it any way

Is it just an elevator that carries you through disasters?

you make a lot of guides (but other than thatits really good)

it carries you through minigames most of the time, sometimes disasters, but mostly minigames

meme… yeah,… but this one is unusual, it’s very well-developed, and blah blah blah

why do i say the?
