what makes a guide a mini guide?
Nice guide! Let’s stay on-topic.
Nice guide!
Warning: This DRAINS your memory.
Not really, they don’t cost much memory and you can resize it to make it bigger.
(Although I see how it can take lots and lots of memory to fill up your entire game with that plus building more blocks :trol:
It barely takes up memory
It takes up twice as much memory if you follow the “pro tip”
Ohh okay did not know I don’t see the memory alot
Amazing! I love everything about this! Great job!
Get on topic someone could get flaged
I usually would just use text and a barrier because it saves memory
also I think you can change the opacity of barriers
why do people keep saying that, ive been here for like a week already
sorry did not see the date
Great guide! Deffo be using this
Who is @deffo i never seen him/her