How to make maps of good quality

Hello, everyone! Today I will be pointing out some things in GKC Maps that I think should be fixed.

1. Health

In games like DLD, we may not need health, but its still there. Why? Because the map creator(s) are either too lazy or don’t want to remove the health settings. If the health bar is not relevant to the game, remove it! How? Go to Settings > Map Settings > Health. if you scroll down, its there.

2. Items

In the game, the default setting for item space is three. if you are not new to GKC, then you probably know this. But even if there are no items or gadgets in a game, they are still there. Why? The same reason for the health. People are lazy or just don’t wanna remove it. To remove this, go into Settings > Map Settings > Items. Click on the Number of Items and click none. Now you’re done. that’s it.

3. Description/In-game text

GKC Discovery map descriptions have recently been including innapropriate words or phrases, which I am not going to say here, but you may know what I’m talking about. if not, its slang. Please do not use these words in GKC. I have also seen some lazy writing. The following is an example of what I call lazy writing:
hey guys wassup pls play the game is fun don’t fall into the snaek pit
Now, what exactly is wrong in this sentence? No punctuation or capitalization.
Incorrect spelling. Saying “wassup” or “pls play” is irrelevant to the actual map. Please make sure that your writing is eligible and has proper spelling. (I was in a regional spelling bee and stuff like this makes me kinda agitated.) What is the point in having text if no one will understand it?

4. Title

Now this topic is important (the others are too, I’m just saying that people should not overlook this). People have been using slang and inappropriate words, as mentioned in previous section. A game’s title should be interesting and intriguing, making a possible player want to play. saying wassup as a title is not very good, is it? I personally think that using alliteration and/or rhyming.

5. Working Mechanics

Create mechanics in your game that actually work. for example, if you have a button to end the game, make it actually end the game! If you need help with game mechanics, ask on the forums! But first, search up whether or not your question has already been asked. If not, create a topic! If yes, review that topic. But if it does not answer your original question, then create a topic. Search before you post!

6. Good Thumbnail

Do not steal a thumbnail from the internet. The community guidelines have been violated a lot recently because people are using real life animals and people in the thumbnails, and this is not ok. But no one seems to care/notice. if you are new to GKC, please read the community guidelines so that all people can enjoy your games better. Make an original thumbnail! And if you don’t trust your own artistic abilities, make a topic in the forums! There are plenty of amazing artists here who will be happy to help! (some may not respond immediately tho, so don’t be discouraged.)

7. Score

I have seen this a lot recently. Games that do not need the leaderboard but still have it are kinda annoying. If you look at a leaderboard and it says, Score: 0, you may think, “Is there something I missed?” when its really just a trashy game that doesn’t deserve to be in Trending compared to other meaningful games. If your game needs a leaderboard, name it something! Like, if you have a game where you need to gain height, use the player coordinates device and connect it somehow (I forget) with the leaderboard. If you need cash in the game, go into Map Settings and change the name to Cash or Money and choose the options you want. If your game does NOT need a leaderboard, go into Map Settings and remove it.

8. Music

The music of your game is really important. it can help get the point across that this game is a spy thriller game, not a calming, relaxing take-your-mind-off-of-things game (although any game can take your mind off of things). But please use music in your games! Use the Spy music to show the gamers that this is a thrilling game! Use the Peacful Guitar music for a farming game to calm you down (unless you have to farm to pay off debt for an evil emperor. But I’d still use Guitar bc its mostly peaceful).

Recently, despite this guide, i have seen many flaws in games, mostly because of score, items, health, and music. Please make your game more enjoyable and professional! Most (if not all) gamers appreciate professional qualities in games.

If you are unsure if your game is innapropriate or rude, ask yourself, “Is this ok for a seven-year-old to see?” or “Would a parent/guardian let a seven-year-old see this content?” If the answer is no to either of these, then you need to edit the map and make it appropriate for younger children. Always look over the aspects of your map and double-check it to determine whether it is trash or treasure.

If I forgot anything, please let me know! (I feel like I am.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that this helps you with creating better maps in GKC.

I searched up if someone else made I guide like this, and StacheIsTaken did. This is a different guide tho, but I’ll put the link here. If I am missing anyone, lmk!

The GimSolvian Way To Good Map-Making


@SilentPrincess_33 Nice guide, Probably recommend to add some pictures. Definitely still a good guide, tho.


I think this is a PRETTY AWESOME guide :fire:


bump BUMP

This should probably put in stuff like Clickbait and Brain Rot… or anything like that…

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