I want to make a knowckback game, but I don’t know how to make the fragility go down when hitting someone off the edge, and giving them a point. Please help and give advice for how to make a knockback game.
this is only fragility.
oh ok i didnt know that sorry
You have to use a device (KO Manager i think) to detect when a player knocks someone out
go to settings in your game and turn health to fragility
To make someone’s fragility go down, just use a health granter
Increment Counter which updates property.
Also, use a damager.
They also asked how to make someone’s fragility go down
. . . you need to d e t e c t when you ko someone to do t h a t
make a zone with a respawn and lifecycile of player KOed to an item granter of 1 to the player so they get an item when someone falls off
Do something like that with a lifecycle. A ko manager just does something to the knocked out player while you can use the lifecycle to heal the player that just knocked the other person out
That’s what you wanted, right @Bianahungy ?
i forgor
but yea this → a counter connected to a property, and a damager with -50 damage
Using a health granter works just the same while using less memory
You use a health granter, and set it to grant how much HEALTH as you want to take away fragility:
Please mark a solution.
Thank you guys so much! I made the game, but I won’tpost it yet. Any suggestions on how TO make it better?
make it look decorative
I have only one answer:
Detail, detail, detail!
The more detail you add, the better your game will be to people who look for great games on Discovery.
Trust me , the more detailed game will most likely always win the Gimkit awards over the complex game that no one can understand the point of…