How to make it so when you have a certain property on, you can sit out? (Read Desc for more)

I need help badly on this part of my game and can’t figure it out. So, I want to add a feature where you are able to click a game overlay button to choose to sit out of the next round. (I have already done the Game Overlay Button part). I have created it so that if you press the button to choose too Sit Out, it will make a certain property for that one player = 1.

The problem is that when the round starts, which they start automatically, people with the “Sitting Out” property (=1) still get entered into the next game with the people who chose to enter (=0) and I don’t know how to exclude them from it.

I may have explained this in a way that it is very hard to understand, and if so, feel free to ask questions to get more info on my problem. Thanks for all the help either way if you try.

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You could use true- false proprties

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I did think of that, but have no clue on how to use them… :frowning:

I’m just spitballing here, but if have you tried a relay to all players to check the property, and if it passes teleport them to the arena?


I do, It’s like: I
Relay – Trigger
If [property] = 1 Do Broadcast on Channel […]
If else, Broadcast on Channel […]

However, It still makes all players enter the round

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How about a checker?


I don’t know how to check a property with a Checker :frowning:

I’m going to be doing some testing, and I will get back to you in hopefully about 10 minutes.

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I appreciate the help, and I will test some things as well.

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So when testing it out on my own world using a checker, it did seem to work. In this system, the buttons increment or decrement the counter/property, and then when I press the trigger button, the checker checks the properties for everyone.

This is what the checker is set to. And it does seem to work. Is there something wrong with your trigger or wiring?

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I’m not to sure about my trigger and wiring, but I am currently using the checker and testing it out. (I didn’t use the checker before)

OK, after so many tests, mistakes, dumb moments and fixing flaws in my game… I have finally finished testing… AND IT WORKS!!! The Checker solved the big problem and revealed to me how many flaws I had in my block code and properties.

Sorry for the long wait to respond, but Thank You so much for your help.

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No problem!

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