How to make it so when the bed breaks and the player eliminated it make them a spectator

how to make it so when the bed breaks and the player gets eliminated it make them a spectator.

  • Use the bed linked to a counter.
  • Wire the bed (prop) to a counter. Prop destroyed < increment counter.
  • Set the counter to a target of ONE.
  • Now, with the counter, wire it to a team switcher. Target value reached < switch player to the configured team.
  • Make sure to make the bed damageable by players.
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Thank you :smiley:n n n n n n n n n n n n n

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what game mode it this sorry i did not see it in the text

You’re welcome. Let me know if you need anything else.

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Alright I will ping you if I need you

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is that all @California_Love ?

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