How to make it so that everyone gets a snowball launcher for 15 seconds

What you will need

x2 item granters
x2 relay
x1 lifecycle(Or a button, which in my opinion, is easier)
x1 repeater
x1 counter
x1 wire repeater
Optional: x1 notification

First of all, place a lifecycle. Its settings do not need to be modified.(Or, grab a button. Its settings do not need to be modified.)
Screenshot 2023-11-26 9.37.07 AM
Then, grab a relay. Its settings also do not need to be modified.
Screenshot 2023-11-26 9.37.41 AM
Then, wire the lifecycle to the relay like this(Or the button to the relay like this:When button pressed, trigger relay):

Now, grab an item granter and set it to grant a snowball launcher. I am going to use a legendary snowball launcher for this example.
Now, wire the relay to the item granter like dis:

Now, grab a repeater and set it to these settings:

Wire the relay to the repeater like dis:

Now, grab a counter and set it to these settings::nerd_face:

Now, wire the repeater to the counter like dis!

Then, grab da wire repeater(No settings need to be changed) and wire it the counter to it like dis. This way, it can be done multiple times:

Now, wire the counter to the repeater like dis:

And now, get your other item granter and set it settings do dis:

Then, wire the counter to the item granter like dis:

And it should work, I’d recommend using the button instead of the lifecycle but it’s your decision so…
And anyways, you’re done now!
Also, this can be used for any other item.


Nice Guide! Good Job, really!


It was truly breathtaking, @BreathTaking!


Lol what a pun🤣 and thank you @StacheIsTaken !


I live for puns! (20 charsssssssss)


Nice guide @BreathTaking! You could use this in a survival game which once a minute players could fight for 15 seconds but the other time would be like a peacetime or preparation to fight.


Nice Guide!

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How do you write under 20 charss?

Nice guide!
Putting things at the end like this <eeee> makes them invisible


Good guide!
Note that one of the repeater’s settings is: “Run task on start”
By default the the setting is turned on.
This setting needs to be turned off, as it will result in a 14 second time period instead of a 15 second duration

Oh yeah I forgot oops

Nice guide!


noice guide but while there is simpler ways to do this i like this one meow :3 :smiley_cat:

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Nice guide!

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I remember this! It was fun to make!

nake guide

Nice guide! Wouldn’t it be easier to use a wire repeater as the timer instead of a counter?

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I mean you could try!

uh that comment was from 3 months ago please check the date