How to make it so that a player has to press 2 buttons in order to activate something

How to make it so that a player has to press 2 buttons in order to activate something

U could make it so after the player presses a button make it deactivate and then make the buttons broadcast whatever and then grab a counter and put the text u entered for the button into the counter and then make the counters um whatever goal thingie 2 and make it so when it reaches broadcast whatever you want

Use a counter with a target of 2, make each button make it go up, and, wires:
(Button) Button pressed -------> Incremate counter (counter), and (Counter) Target value reached ------------> Activate {whatever you want} ({whatever you want})

Make the button increment counter, then set counter target to 2.
Or, once you click button 1, you activate button 2, so then you click button 2 to do a certain task

yeah that is what I was thinking

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@tallguy Have it so when you press button A, it pulses channel A, also have it disable when it gets a pulse on channel A, and wire it to a counter with “target number” set to 2. (set it to have a target number too!). Do the same with the other button, just change the channel name. Wire the counter to whatever you want it to do and your done!

What you need is 2 buttons and 1 counter.
Make the counter’s target number 2.
Then wire: (Button) Button pressed>(Counter) Increment counter
for both buttons. Then wire:
(Counter) Target value reached> Activate

@joe try to not steal other peoples answers


Sorry, I didn’t really read it.