How to make infected droplets this is my first change eny color

step1)Screenshot 2024-05-07 11.35.27 AM
step 2) Screenshot 2024-05-07 11.35.10 AM

Screenshot 2024-05-07 11.35.48 AM

First of all, I don’t think this is appropriate.
Second, this doesn’t need to be a guide itself. A lot of people already know this.

Well, good job on your first guide though!

Nice guide, but making maps including gore will be reported. Thank you!
By the way, this is actually pretty good for a first guide. Remember to read the Community guidelines!

em my game has been up for two years

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well it feels that long

GKC hasn’t even been 1 year old yet…


Well, only if they’re published that is but it’s stup!d to make maps with gore anyways because [1] and all creative maps are stored on gimkit’s servers, so the Gimkit Team can view all maps if they wanted to (there’s around a million or two million by now i believe)

  1. why would you ↩︎

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okay i take down and update the game im a ytuber too also can you not be rude
go sub tow solar gim

Unfortunately, just because you are a YouTuber, doesn’t mean you can break rules.
Also, you don’t have to delete the game! Gimkit Creative will only take down maps if they are published, which could harm others. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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i was just saying if you want to sub to me im not breaking the rule im not aloud cus ytube would take the vid down if i was rude

okay updated


just make the droplets green to avoid being censored