How to make grass you can hide in

This is a guide for how to make grass you can hide in and when you walk into it, the grass around you disappears so you can actually find people hiding in the grass. This might take a lot of memory because zones are a lot of memeroy so be careful. (Basically the grass in brawl stars if you know what that is). (By the way, this is my second guide!)

What can this be used for?

You can use it for many things, a few examples are:
To make a fun hide and seek game
To add a little extra to your map

STEP 0 (disclaimer)

First, you need to decide your grass prop, this can be many this like coral (that you change the color to green, alien plants, corn stalk (empty), or even cash piles. you can you anything you want but I will be using corn stalk. The coral idea is similar to @I_Like_Props 's idea for a coral rug.


Now for the first REAL step, you need to pick places where to place zone which is where you grass will be, for this example, I just did 9 but you can do as many as you want! PICTURE:

Step 2

Now it is time for the channels! For the first zone, I would personally name the channels as the picture shows but you can choose. PICTURE:


Now get your “grass” that you chose. Remember to turn off the collision. Change the visibility scope to player. Make the show prop channel the “SHOW GRASS 1” or whatever you named that one. Make the hide prop channel the “HIDE GRASS 1” or whatever you named that one. PICTURE:


Now you should multiply the “grass” and make it cover the first zone like this PICTURE:


Now all you need to do is repeat the steps 2-4 and change the "1"s to the number of the zone. For example, you for the 2nd zone, change all the 1s to 2s.


If you have any ideas for how you can use this, please comment!

Approximate time spent in total: 1 hour!

Aditional ideas related to this: One idea might be if you have different classes, they could relate to the grass. Ideas for the idea: A class where they are faster and do more damage in the bushes, a class where they can see all zones around them.


Nice Guide!
Also, the [/details] thing has to be on a new line.
Just a formatting error.

Also, you don’t need to add “Name-Ian” to everything you make, (hey, namian would actually sound good) you could just do it if there are multiple guides on the same topic and you want to make a different variation of that topic.

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Maybe, instead of doing “Tomatian’s guide”, do “The Tomatian Guide”(Also you spelled Tomatian wrong).

Good guide, by the way!


Thank u! (Ran out of likes)


Nice Guide!


Fixed both issues :slight_smile: (ran out of likes)


Don’t write “Guide on” Just do “How to”

@Mr.Tomato Tomatoes are NOT yummy

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They are so yummy! idk what you are talking about! jk food is subjective


Also, you might want to increase the zone size a little bit because the player hitbox might not reach the zone.
(You test it, I’m not the creator of the map lol)

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I think it works fine, you just have to walk around 0.75 tiles into the bush and when someone makes it, they can change the zone size if they want


Oh okay, I was just saying because it sometimes happens to me.

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like in your map making experience in trying to make this guide in-game?

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No, like props/walls blocking a zone’s hitbox.

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oh that didn’t happen here so that is good

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Nice guide! Btw, you mentioned using coral instead, I think -No, I know- that I invented that. (Kinda)


I mean, maybe… It’s not that you specifically said coral rug, but… Idk

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oh I have never seen that, I think, so should I put you in credits?

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Um… I don’t know, you could, but either way, I’m fine with it.

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Nice guide!