How to make goo that slows you down

Second Guide2

hello… first what you need:
5x barrier
1x zone
3x Speed modifier
5x text
1x trigger


Okay so
place zone with these settings

now place barriers in a circle shape.

now all over the barriers any angle place text With this symbol ~ with a darker green size 144

now place the first speed modifier settings: SPEED 0.50 Channel slow 1
2nd speed modifier: SPEED 0.65 Channel slow2
3rd speed modifier: SPEED 1.00 Channel slow3

trigger: When triggered Transmit on slow3 Trigger when receiving slow2 Delay 3 seconds

— G-Code549. oh and i’m new so i can’t put more than one picture.
i want to add more so bad but i joined today/sep 19 2024!!! - reply to @Spydecraft245
and i replyed to too many thing s and i reached the limit…for today…

Nope It’s green goo but you can make it tar if you want. no I think it’s asfault used to create roads.- reply to @Dark_Hydra

I don’t know i guess the anime eyes.- reply to @Tropicool

No thanks i don’t really Like it.- reply to @Spydecraft245

okay but I think we should stay on topic
oh and good job for make so many pfps-reply to @Spydecraft245

yay my twin brother joined the forms his name is @Ghost249
oh and I made this for @Roberta !

and this for @Haiasi i. ok not da best


Good guide!
But you should add more pictures.


If it’s black, it’s tar! (Tar is a VERY sticky fluid use for roads. I think.)


why does everybody have a PFP similar to that???

I don’t know, it’s just a trend. Anyway if you want to…


Sorry i couldn’t reply yesterday…

Pretty good guide!


BUMP ing my own topic weird


why can I not edit this to a different title.

Also couldn’t this be simplified?
You enter it, speed modifier makes you slower
You leave it, speed modifier makes you normal speed

well umm I was new and it works for me . it slows you a little less after exit and after a little longer you get normal speed

ask a tl3 user, I used to be one, but I got demoted, idk when, but it was today, and idk why, but I would have done it for you

I can
lemme see…

You dipped below the requirements.

@G-Code549 Do you want to change the title? If so, to what? Any tl3 can change it for you. (like me!)


that makes sense, I mean, I was really inactive for a bit, soooooooo, yeah, thx for letting me know

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