How to make GodMode

That one is similar, but mine doesn’t use blocks. Credits to @bushenberg

  1. Place a vending machine, you can makeit for whatever you, and how much
  2. Make sure the vending machine transmits on a channel
    For the upgrades I’ll be using a damage boost, speed modifier, and two health granters
  3. On the first health boost these should be the settings:
  4. On the second health boost these should be the settings:
  5. Place a wire repeater, and set the setting to this:
  6. Wire the vending machine to the repeater, “Item purchased” ---------> “Start repeater”
  7. Wire the repeater to both the health granters, “Repeater runs task” -----------> “Grant player health”
  8. Place a speed modifier, and set it to whatever speed, I"m doing 4:
  9. Wire the vending machine to the speed modifier, “Item purchased” ----------> “Set player to configured speed”
  10. Place the damage boost, I’m setting it to ten
  11. Wire the vending machine to the repeater, “Item purchased” ------------> “Activate damage boost”

    You’re done!

Nice guide, @F1R3F0X ! Be sure to credit the creator of that guide as well!

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Nice guide!

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gets godmode…
still with power, gets <de;> bruise bump

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