How to Make Gimkit Tower Defense [This method is forever gimpossible]

Text enemies fix all these problems. You get infinite customization with ASCII art, and it can be as small as you want.

Can you attack text?

Right… Genius! Now we just need to figure out a way to make them shoot, take damage, bah balh basas…

No, but you could have a prop that can take damage that is behind it and super small.

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They can’t teleport, or share health.

Right genius!
Now we need it to be able to be targeted by a sentry!

No, but since now the board is just a display we’re at a point where we can just use actual towers that attack for us.

ant enemy

-( )-

put a sentry behind it.

Place a text object in each square, that will display things.

Oh, emoji art! Yeah!

Right genius!
How do you make sentries invisible again?

Put it behind a prop! Genius!

Right, hold on, I don’t think that can happen.

Right, genius!
How do make sentries smaller again?

Make props bigger!

Right, genius!
But I thought we were trying to make it fit on a smaller square?

Here is my full idea:
Each square is a text object, that can display some text like:

-( )-

Each enemy is kept track of via properties.
Each tower, when within range of the enemy will decrease the health property until the enemy dies or is out of range.

The text objects mean infinite possibility for enemy designs, and be as small as you want.

Pseudo sentries!

Nah, too complex
Save that for you or Caviare3D to do.

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It’s just a standard image display lol.