How To make FNAF Cams

I’m making FNAF fan game rn so I just wanted to show you guys how i made the camera system.

What You Need

(How many cameras you want) Popups and Camera Point
1 Life Cycle
1 Starting Inventory

Step 1.

Place down a Life Cycle and open the settings and set it to Player Fires Gadget

Step 2.

Place down a Starting Inventory, And Go to the settings and make the item any item that can fire, like a Zapper.

Step 3.

Place down Your Game Overlays’s in a chain Afte the lifecycle (this is optional)

then wire the life cycle to the 1st game overlay like this

Step 4.

Set the settings of each Game Overlay to this

and this

Step 5.

Wire the first game overlay to the next one like this

and then repeat it to the next one in line.

Step 6.

Credits to this guide to help me make this part as I’m lazy How to make a security camera! - #14 by NovaTheHorrid
Use this image to help you make Cams

and instead of linking it to the button link to the game overlay you want the camera to link to. like this

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0 voters

oh wait I forgot one thing

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okay its fixed now

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Pretty cool!



Thanks so much! I’m also working on a FNAF game!

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Camera Bump

This topic hasn’t gotten many views


This is super cool and has way too many views not to be bumped.

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You don’t bump topics after 30 min lol

It has to be at least a day to two

or 10 months
i totally didn’t do that

Oh ok sorry I didn’t know. Still kinda new. Thank you for telling me though! (I can’t like your post I have to wait 5hours to like again.)

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(post deleted I miss done this message sorry)

Nice guide, @MrEgg !
