How to make dodgeball

first, go to map options and put floor as gym floor.
next, go to terrain and put concrete. change to wall and make a rectangle of any size.
then, put a laser in the middle and try to make it very visible.

turn the laser to 9999 damage so you can’t go through it and then go to devices and choose starting inventory and choose quantum portal legendary.

finally, place spawn pads on both sides and put them on team spawn.

after, you can choose the teams for each side. in the end, it should end up looking somewhat like this. (I added spectators and teleportals, but you don’t have to)


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You should add images for each step and add that image of the final product to the guide.


is this just how to make like the actual dodgeball gym or a full functioning game

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yeah, sorry about that. I made this post way after i made the actual game. i saw some of your other posts. they are really cool!

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I think it is just the gym because if it’s the full functioning game you need WAAYY more steps

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Not sure, to make a function with a player requires a props like a basket ball.

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Thank you!

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full function game. thank you for mentioning that.

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i know i left some stuff out but i really didn’t put much effort into the post.

Please remove the ideas tag in your guide since it’s used to ask for ideas in the forum.

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nice guide!

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thank you for the support!

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i’m sorry. i did not know.

Maybe he should make health very low so he should use blasters as dodgeballs

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no, because blasters are too fast and quantum portals look like dodge balls.

evil eyes look like dodgeballs and quantum portals shoot slow thats breaking gravity

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i want them to shoot slow or you can’t dodge. I’ve played with my friends and it works fine. if you do not like my game idea, then please leave.

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I love it I am just suggesting so chill chill I am just suggesting for you What I would say is any weapon would be good since they are fast but not too fast i can dodge evil eyes quite easily

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Nice guide!

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