How to make different Pokemon Pixel art in GKC

Wow, Zoroark looks awesome! So detailed!

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This is amazing! But couldn’t you have just added it to the wiki?

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IDK how @StacheIsTaken

The wiki as in the custom art wiki, let me see if i can find a link to give you.

ok thx @WolfTechnology


Here you go @Pandapants2000. Make sure to read the wiki rules before editing!


updated, all pokeballs made

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Btw, :heart: Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all! :heart: Let’s try and make the forum healthy and full of love today! No hate or bad stuff…

You could also use this for a pokeball

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Ooh! Cool!
But this guide is how to make them visually…like art, the appearance.

Thanks for the feedback @California_Love and happy valentines day to you too

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This is for pixel art for your map. look at the different pokemon

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I removed the wiki as it’s not a wiki.
Also, this is amazing! It earns the…
Screenshot 2024-02-14 10.21.39 AM
Falling Man’s Approval


thanks @StacheIsTaken for the feedback, and thanks for removing the wiki part of the post

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Don’t get me wrong - This is an amazing guide, but right now it seems kinda like a showcase, maybe add more info about how you made it?

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Lucario has been added to the guide

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what other pokemon should I make?

A regular would have to make another post, as they can’t make another person’s post a wiki without TL4. This is only done in certain circumstances, and I don’t think this warrants it, as it can be somewhat messy (poor devices).

@Apoll02 that was off topic, if you would pls, I would like to know what your favorite pokemon is.