How to Make Damage Players on Other Team Ability

How do I make an ability that damages players on the other team?

In my game, there are two teams. I want the ability to be on a game overlay. The ability deals 25 damage to everyone on the other team, and the ability has a 20-second cooldown before it can be used again.

Thank you in advance!


damage dealer (idk if that’s it) then have it wired to the overlay then have to a counter at 20 seconds and a repeater.


You’re going to need a relay and a damager. Set the relay to the team you want to damage and either wire or use channels to send a message to activate the damager.


ah thats it. damager


If you have a solution, please mark it by clicking the solution button! Hope it works! :grin:

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If you want any pictures, just @The_Great_Sushi me!

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Apologies, I was asleep.

@The_Great_Sushi Pictures would be helpful! Thanks!

another food :grinning:

The Food Friends Unite!

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@meepeygamer567 @The_Great_Sushi @CyanTigerReigns
I made it like this. Why does the “Cooldown” text appear on the other team’s screens? It should only appear on the screen of the person who used it. How do I fix this?

The Game Overlay that is connected to the Wire Repeater

The Other Game Overlay

The Damager

The Relay

The Wire Repeater Wires

Because of your “damageTeam1” channel it seems. The relay is also telling the overlay to also appear on the second team’s screen. Perhaps change the receiving channel on your overlay to “damageRelay” so it’ll be only in the activator’s screen.

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