How to Make color-changing text (Difficulty 1.5/10 or 🟩)

can Somebody pls help me!!

I’m in the same boat as you @M13TheCreator.

can u try making me a thumbnail???

for what? (I would be happy to)

@wait.what.626Youtube read this desc

OH THAT! yes I can make you that

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pls do the best you can

@M13TheCreator please ask in your own help topic

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k sry for going off-topic. @Foxy do you know how this thing works?

how what works?

I’m lost I did everything but how are the text connected to the triggers or how are they connected with the machine

yea I still can’t figure this out.

yea ikr same like how does the repeaters effect the text???

yea, I was thinking you just used triggers, but no.

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u need anything like thumbnails or anything cuz I feel helpfull

maybe like a box fight know, Fortnite box fights where you can build in a box and do pvp at the same time.

so a thumbnail correct??


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I haven’t been to this in a while, and also, I think lifecycles are completly broken in some creative update, systems that were working before aren’t now

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now you could probably just do it with wire repeaters or triggers.