How to Make color-changing text (Difficulty 1.5/10 or šŸŸ©)

i see you got the season ticket. great guide btw!

for I_like_props

hey @I_Like_Props can you help me build my map(s)? if so pm me, i can give credit, if not its alr

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ā€¦I honestly thought this was my guideā€¦

Sure! Problem is, I have an outlook email while yours is gmail. I canā€™t make an extra gmail, so could you make an outlook email? If not, wellā€¦ weā€™ll figure it out.

@LEPRECON2024, maybe you shouldnā€™t go giving out your email. Youā€™ll likely end up with too many messages to read. :laughing: Wanna join my Wizards Council Organization? :mage:

Ummmā€¦I canā€™t

Iā€™m grounded so cant do anything really right now! :expressionless:

btw could you help on my post?
Keyboard help Ideas_It will take awhile - Help - Gimkit Creative

Sure. Gtg now, but maybe later.

Uhā€¦ I wasnā€™t talking to you, I was talking to infiscript. THanks for the email, though!

YEAH I WANNA COMEā€‹:mage::magic_wand:
(Jo-i-n is not postable?)

I guess they just donā€™t want us asking people to join our maps

I think I have an outlook emailā€¦ let me seeā€¦

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i have an outlook (took forever to find)

@I_Like_Props ā†‘

Oh, sorry, didnā€™t see it! Iā€™ll email you in a sec, but I canā€™t help right now.

Alright, thanks!

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I feel like it very complicated whereas you could just use blocks but pretty good guide. Longer but understandable.

@I_Like_Props Can you work right now?

Oh, yeah, sure! Iā€™ll email you.

Thanks this is very helpful!
