How to make checkers activate something | Difficulty⬜

“per each”? idk what u mean

and theres an option to make ALL of them succeed to open the door

if one checker finds item it activates next checker looking for another item

you know they’re basically the same thing so theres no use argueing, imma go.

Good guide!

man your going guide to guide to say good guide

Just use one checker. You can change the amount of checks. Each check will check for an item. If all pass, deactivate the wall

what did you mean?


I really do not like being corrected but Seems like I just got to ignore the fact that it will happen but @max1 your fine it just seems repetitive of how many times some guy just starts a comment on my guide saying you should of done this

Sorry. Most people are trying to help and expand on techniques, and what I like doing, condensing and correcting systems. It does get repetitive.

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just please note that you may want to not correct me at times it hits me hard due to effort I put into guides just to write them and set them up and especially the work that it took to figure out mechanic it takes me an approximate 10 minutes to make a guide and 5 to 10 to sometimes 30 minutes to an hour to make mechanic work the way I want

I put love and effort in my guides to help others

No one is sure but I posted it on discord 3 days later a gim was found in the files, so most likely yes, but I wasn’t informed that they took my gim.