How to make capture the flag where you go into one area and you score a point?

How to make capture the flag where you go into one area and you score a point?

You can use the flag device and a zone when you change sides that sends a signal to the flag device to capture it.


Welcome to the forum, @tspentakota!!!

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Use the flag capture zone! I haven’t messed around with the flag and co. since June, so that’s all I can really say. So sorry!


You can use flag and a flag capture zone so that when the player runs into the zone the players team gets a point.

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You can have a zone update a property

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Welcome to the forum, @tspentakota! Make sure to mark a solution!

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We should maybe wait 10 more minutes before pressuring them to mark a solution like this Guide talks about.

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Well, this post has been open for an hour and there are multiple replies to answer this.

Y’know what? I’ll just add a guide:


Welcome to the forum, @tspentakota !!

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Make a flag capture zone, a number team scoped property called “Captures” Now, make a team scoped counter, make sure it is linked to the property. Now wire the flag capture zone to the counter.
Flag Captured – Increment counter
Hope this helps!

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Thank you, @wingwave

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If this has been solved, make sure to mark a solution to avoid clutter!

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Was this post solved? I can mark a solution if it has.

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I mean, he did thank @wingwave

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Yea, it has Im going to mark it. Thanks, @potato1 and @WolfTechnology for reminding me.


Thanks @ClicClac , :slight_smile:

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It works, but it doesnt show on the leaderboard

make the counter to a team scoped number property, and make the leaderboard set on that property.

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