How to make an in-game chat system Difficulty: šŸŸ§ (OUT OF DATE)

Welcome to the forum ABCD! Thereā€™s been a lot of new folks here lately.


TL1 can add infinite photos to a topic

I might redo it later, then.

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Do you want me to make another guide on this with photos?

  • Yes, please!
  • No, its fine
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Reply to this I you want me to add other stuff to the new guide as well, if I do it.

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Ok, so I appreciate the help but Iā€™m kind of confused on somthing. How do you get to thet point? Im just not sure, sorry

Which point are you talking about?

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I will check at 5 PST. By then, I will most likely recreate the guide.


This guide is inncorrect pls view the next guide. Check my profile for the next guide.


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When I say post, I mean the whole topic.

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Hey next time be a little more specific and more Detail.
If Iā€™m being completly honest you never specified what to for second and confused me a little dude

So you want me to make the next one more specific?

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I reply For the fact thatā€¦ Can you teach me how with more detail? or make a video?

I am making a new guide. If that doesnā€™t help, then let me know in the comments of this guide:
How to make an in-game chat system (Now with photos!) (WIP)


Yes please dude mad confusing

In the other guide

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Please donā€™t crowd the guide with questions and other comments on making a video tutorial or anything like that.

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Thx Btw for new guide, really nice

it isnā€™t complete

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