How to make an Impeached aura from Sol's RNG! (barrier art) ◻

Ok, so if your a sol’s rng fan, you will love this.

Step one:

Make 1 purple barrier ball, like this:
Screenshot 2024-09-15 10.59.15 AM
Color: 158 R, 0 G, 179 B.
Now, copy that by hovering over it and pressing “c”. now, make it slightly bigger and put it onto the front. go back to the original ball and make a copy. put it on the opposite side.
Then, make a long, thin, rectangle barrier. Make its transparency into: 0.40 Now, make the color of the rectangle into: 117 R, 0 G, 133 B. Make the small rectangle barriers to have no borders.
Then, adjust the barriers and make them connect the barriers balls together. copy and paste them until it looks like this:
Screenshot 2024-09-15 2.18.53 PM
Great! now, copy the one on the front and make it very big. Then, copy one of the rectangles but make it’s settings into a circle, then spam the small circles inside the big circle until it looks like this:

(Don’t mind the button lodged in there, it was by accident.)
Now, copy the rectangles and make them a bit longer, and make their transparency into 0.20. Now, connect those longer rectangles to the big orb, and onto the smaller orbs.

Finished Product:

if you don’t like the last version, remove the longer rectangles or just set their transparency lower.
Put a sentry to make it look like he has the Impeached aura!
Thank you! I haven’t made a guide in so long so yeah!
(If I accidently copied from somebody else, please tell me as of I have no idea.)


First of all, great art!
But then, who will use this in their game unless they’re copying sol’s? I feel like you should make something more generic.


True. But there is a lot of sol’s rng games on GKC, and their barrier art is… not so good so I made this to help them.
(btw, do you think this is 3-D? if not, I will remove the tag.)


Put this in Art

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I thought this was a guide but ok.

Eh… ok.
But, as a counterargument (not that I wanna argue), doesn’t that mean you’re supporting un-imaginative game creating?
Yes, I think it looks 3D[1]!
And it’s not like the aura will follow the player…

  1. Is this technically 2.5D? I forgor ↩︎


Its mostly about barrier art, no devices here and there


Your right. So should I delete this?

What?! Not what I was implying lol
Very sorry if I made you feel that way…
Just a future recommendation.

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I would say nah.

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nah I thought I did something wrong for a sec.
I will keep that in mind next time thanks.

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Ah yes art based of a roblox game that is quite literally gambling for kids

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its not “gambling”. you don’t pay any money… well, you DO pay your life…

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A game in which you click a button for a VERY slim chance at getting some cool pixels. I don’t know about you but that sounds like gambling to me

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But you dont pay any money.
Now please get b.o.t.

did you not read this, @Undertale.
(b.o.t means back on topic, its a word I created.)

oh, ok.

thought that was just used to get around the word bot or acronym.

I don’t blame you, not many people know that word.

this is a pretty good guide! It might’ve looked better if the barriers had no border and had transparency to 1. I don’t know, just my opinion.

Bump! Great guide! My friend @Jear-bear loves sol’s rng (no kidding, he gambles way to much)

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