How To Make an Exponential Graphing Calculator! Difficulty 9.5/10 or šŸŸ„

Yes, because I feel likeā€¦ I donā€™t know. Iā€™m too demotivated on the forums to do anything right now. Might have to change my profile picture to blank.

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Do you know the game Sorry? You could try to make that!

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You could make sorry with some tag zones right?

That would be fun to do however arenā€™t there multiple trinkets that go around at once?
I donā€™t think it could be done

Iā€™m going to try it. I havenā€™t experimented with blocks much. This will be fun


This seems pretty simple if you can make the player-inputted function an actual callable function. From there, for each text box you just check if the output is close enough to a certain range to actually graph it, then youā€™re set. Not sure what approaches people like blackhole took, though. The zoom out part is where it gets tricky and impressive.

also yes super bump even though this is unfinished

Blackhole927 used recursion to draw the x and y axis - @mysz (somewhere).

Huh. Dunno to what extent that was used, but alright.

interesting that you know thatā€¦


you guys are extremely talented



Reusable Bump

why would you bump this? No offense @mysz.

Because itā€™s a cool guide that teaches a few mechanics and concepts that will help improve anyoneā€™s GKC skills in the technical area.

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This guide is a well-explained guide and is helpful .
Not only would people learn how to make an exponential graphing calculator, they could learn some other stuff from reading this guide.

Counter question why wouldnā€™t you bump this?

besides for a keypad or calculator, can you explain what this can be used for?

There is no real use outside of making a graphing calculator. At this level, the guide is more useful in the concepts it teaches to create the end result, rather than the end result itself.