How To Make an Exponential Graphing Calculator! Difficulty 9.5/10 or šŸŸ„

@here Update 1.0 is out! Exit poll is also out!


Exit poll?

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@PotionMaster I would appreciate it if you didnā€™t auto-vote 0 for only this one guide.


(Auto votes -1) Think this might be 9/10?

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eh i dont really know but 8/10 sounds good to me.


(Dang it you caught me)
Should I wait until you finish?

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sure i guess


I did?
ā€¦ oh wait, I did. Isnā€™t that something?
( nice guide, by the way :] )


Yeah it letā€™s swords fly to the moon.


@here Everyone, the guide is on hold I think I just found a way to save memory using recursion and properties.


Yeah I was confused because you had a conclusion and a poll, but no graphing

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@here The graphing calculator was featured in a Math Thrive Tutoring video! Thatā€™s 2 gamesā€¦


I donā€™t see it. Is it just planned?

No, the video is there.

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Me: submits my game
Game: In the list, saying itā€™ll be upload in friday, beginning of sept
Math thrive tutoring: Doesnā€™t want to see it anyway
Me: upset because every hour of help from friends and work wasted

Are you sure? It may be that heā€™s on a tight schedule and hasnā€™t been able to upload the video but has recorded it. Did he directly say that he didnā€™t want to see your game?

It was there.

I submitted it and Math said heā€™ll see most games every friday, including BFR. He still didnā€™t see it ;-;

Edit: @NavyCatZ Nevermind it was there!

Edit: oh well, nevermindā€¦

Guys, this is getting kind of off-topic. If you want to discuss this, maybe do it on the wix. I donā€™t want any more flags, and I bet you donā€™t either.

Wow, this guideā€™s old. BUMP

(Is this still a wip?)