How to Make an Easy-to-Use Telemetry System

This guide will show you how to make an easy to use telemetry system. Most of you probably don’t know what telemetry is, and that’s ok! Telemetry is data output from something. In this case it’s your game. Telemetry is very useful in bug-fixing, and having a system that’s quick to use can save you lots of time! Let’s dive into the details of use first.

Let me clarify that building the system isn’t easy, but using the system after you build it is easy.

If you want to add a property to your telemetry, simply put another property down that contains your property’s name. The name of the new property needs to be something specific for the system to work, but we’ll get to that later. And that’s it to add a property into the telemetry feed!

Now let’s get into how to make this system.

First, we need a system to count just how many properties we want to add. First, place a lifecycle down and wire it to a trigger. Make the trigger receive on “countTelProp”. Make a property called “numTelProp”. Its scope is global, and it’s a number property. Put these blocks in the trigger (you can ignore the activity feed item if you want. It doesn’t really matter):

That should count the number of properties! Now, we need to update the overlay. To do this, we’ll use a tick based system. Make a relay receive on “relayDoneCounting” and broadcast to all players on “doneCounting”. Make another trigger receive on “doneCounting” and trigger another trigger by wire. Make this new trigger receive on “updateTeleProp” and add these blocks:

Now, add an overlay, with the content scope being player. Add blocks in this overlay when receiving on “updateTelemetry”. Add these blocks in it:


And you’re done!

Now, to use this system, I’ll tell you the property’s name from earlier:

You need to add a property of the form “telProp#”, were # is the number of that property if you were counting the properties.

If you have any questions about how this works, ask it in the comments!
Showcase link:


Nice guide!

I’m too tired to understand it rn. When I wake up in 20 minutes, I will read it again lol.


This is so confusing yet makes perfect sense (most of it annyways) after you read it again (took me like 5 times to piece it together). What is the purpose of two Get Property blocks the second time you’re getting propName when you are setting “Telemetry” for the second time?

The telprop contains the name of the actual property you want to list, so that’s why I have the 2 get properties.

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Another amazingly detailed Getrithekd guide! I learn something new every day! Definitely takes a few reads to understand lol

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“Easy-to-use” is debatable but the guide’s well-explained. Also, how do you zoom out in blocks?


Ctrl + Scroll wheel, or use your browsers zoom system.

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Oh. Apparently my browser scroll doesn’t work anymore, at least in gimkit.

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You can use this

Edit: @Kosm0-o, your going insane. All of these posts in this screenshot were liked by you from today and yesterday.


Thanks! I’m running out of likes lol

By easy to use, I mean that once you build it, you don’t have to do a lot to use it.


Oops I completely misinterpreted that


Nice guide! Best I’ve seen In a while!


2 questions:
Screen Shot 2024-06-09 at 2.26.22 PM

so true, yet so sad… XD

Smart person:


What he said :point_up:



You are able to bypass that by just deleting the “www.” in the link. Example:

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That’s to check if the property actually exists. If the property exists, then you would actually change the value it stores by setting it to “x”.

