How to make an Aquarium (Difficulty 0/10 or ⬜ )

Yeah, he died…or did he!? Technoblade never dies!!! Also, @Technoblade , 2 question, are you Technoblades ghost, and this isn’t a question but an idea. Can you make a Technoblade art guide? You are Technoblade so you kinda should. I’ll do it if you don’t.

The real techno died i think 2 years ago some time in june, but yeah his legacy never died.

1 year and 2 months ago. June 30, almost July. TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!!! (I don’t think I ever watched technoblade lol)


Guys, don’t get off-topic…


@shinyrowlet same :rofl:

I am currently doing your suggestion @shinyrowlet

(makes aquarium)

(falls into aquarium)

(burmps this guide)

Hello, I was wondering, what did you use for the base thing for the aquarium?

This is very cool! I love aquariums!

I think it is a wooden pole?

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Nice guide. How did you add the fish?

Hidden item spawners

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Very cool guide! Also, all hail the actualy Technoblade irl.

This is my first bump

Hey, its best not to bump stuff unless the last activity is 5 days ago

Yeah, I didn’t know that, sry.

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You could also use a barely visible white barrier to make glass on top of the aquarium.

burmps? lol

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Yes, they do that now.

Let’s get back on-topic.

OOH I LOVE BUMPER CARS (whatever they are called)