How to make an among us vent [🟩]

This tutorial is inspired by @F1R3F0X. Link to his original post here

First, you place down a bicycle rack from the props

Then you want to tint it gray,(RBG 156,156,156)

Next, add a vending machine set the item you want and the required item to what you want, and make it invisible

now make it so that when purchased it sends a message to activate the teleporter

then add the teleporter and you’re good to go!

Again thank you to @F1R3F0X for this Among Us vent tutorial, all credit goes to him!

Um, you know, there are already tons of guides for this…

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I know, It was just his that inspired me. That was the only one I had seen before making this.

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Search before posting. There are already to many of these(Sorry if that sounded harsh).

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My apologies. Will do next time.

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Thanks for crediting me!

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Nice guide! Just so you know, the game-mechanics tag is unused. I took it off.


Nice guide!