So, it looks like the character limit has been reached on the tug on Gimkit Doors, so I just decided to post it as a separate guide. And, as usual, El Goblino will be here to clear up all the fancy words. This is the first guide I’ve posted in a while, so I hope you like it!
What You’ll Need
3 Triggers
2 Zones
1 Respawn
1 Property
1 Barrier
Basic Block Code Knowledge!
Step 1. Place down a property, and name it Ambush Bounces. Have it be a number property, and scope is global.
Step 2. Place down the zone, covering your entire hallway. (If you have closets, make sure the zone does NOT cover the closets. Have it be set to NOT active on game start, and have it activate on Bounce, deactivate on Leave, and transmit on Respawn when it detects player movement.
Step 3. Place down a trigger and set the delay to 5 seconds. Have it transmit Bounce_Check, trigger on Ambush_Room, and deactivate on Leave. Copy this block code.
Step 4. Put down another trigger that receives on Bounce_Check. Copy this block code.
Step 5. Grab your second zone and place it at the entrance of your room, and have it transmit on Ambush_Room when a player enters the zone.
Step 6. Grab a respawn and have it respawn a player on the channel Respawn.
Step 7. Grab your last trigger and have the delay be 2 seconds. Wire the Bounce_Check trigger to this new trigger. When triggered - trigger. Wire the new trigger to the respawn zone. When triggered - deactivate zone.
Final Product:
El Goblino Summary: Oye, hombre! I’m back, guys! And this guide was a doozy! So I guess I gotta help Landyn out again…
Basically, when you enter a room with Ambush, you get 3 seconds to get in a closet before Ambush comes and speeds through the hallway. Based on a randomizer via trigger block code, he may come back and attack again! So stay safe in there!