How to make ability's that work against other teams (like pillar chase kinda)🟨

Hello im here to tell you how to make an ability kinda like ones in pillar chase (roblox game) so to start off say you wanted to make a teams screen go dark for a little bit here is what you will need
2 Game Overlays
1 Blackboard (wide)
2 Wire Repeaters
1 Button
1 Relay
Step one get one of the Overlays to look like this

Screenshot 2024-09-27 172636
And the second Overlay like this

Screenshot 2024-09-27 172636

Now that you have done this connect first Overlay (button) to the second Overlay (text) with a wire and have the wire at

Next select the Blackboard (wide) and have it at the settings below


You may put the alpha at what ever but i put it at 0.50 so you can still see

Next take the Button and connect it with Overlay (button) at

this makes sure only the player that selects it can only use this you may also change the name of the button if you feel

if you did all the steps so far this is what will make it show for others edit the Relay and put it at
Screenshot 2024-09-27 174154
Use a team of the ones getting the screen darkened

now connect Overlay (button) to the Relay at

Then take the Relay and connect it to Blackboard (wide) at

Now here is where some might get confuzled take one of the Wire Repeaters and set it to delay at a custom time (how long you want the darken to be) and the second Wire Repeater to a custom time (how long for the cooldown)

Now take the one ur using for the screen darkener and connect it to the Blackboard (wide) at

then take the Overlay (button) and connect it to the Wire Repeater we just use and put it at

Now for the cooldown this part is optional all the cooldown is not needed but if you want the player to not be able to use it non stop then look at this part closely

Take the second Wire Repeater for cooldown and connect it to Overlay (text) at

Then take the SAME Wire Repeater and connect it to Overlay (button) at

Now take Overlay (button) and connect it to Wire Repeater (cooldown) and put it at

And you done if you did it all what should happen is when you use Overlay (button) it will go to cooldown and all one a specific UNDER the Blackboard (wide) will see it for the amount of time you put please tell me if this help at all thank for looking at this and bye!
Also make sure to resize the Blackboard (wide) so others are under it


Cool tutorial! I think a lot of people would probably like this! I mean I would too!

Good Job! this guide is…

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The only thing I don’t get is the wire repeaters for some reason. Because for me it sometimes does not go where I want it to go.

lol funny drawing! :laughing:

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Nice second guide! :grin:

I’m a little confused on what this actually is. Can you clarify?

Overall great amount of screenshots and explaining the steps!

It is a nice second guide! I believe its where you can make the other teams go back Slim, but I’m not the original poster so how would I know?

cool guide! (I like pillar chase, so that may or may not be my bias for that game kicking in) now why am I getting the sudden urge to remake pillar chase 2 in gimkit for absolutly no reason…

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no, this I believe is a ability to make the other players screens go black for a period of time (Blinding the other team basically)


Nicely Guidely

I just made pillar chase lol thats why i made the guide

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That game is really fun, keep .EXE and GREAT GUIDE!!! (Maximum positivity)

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Possting the first pillar chase soon :wink:

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