How to make a zone where you get/lose speed (Credit to @mysz)

Alrighty this is a simple guide, difficulty is probably around :green_square:.

1st step: Add a zone and a speed modifier.

2nd step: Customize to however fast you want, if you want the player to be slow, then make it a small number. TO make somebody faster than use a number bigger than 1.5
3rd step: Wire them together.

Set is as Player enters zone :arrow_forward: Set player to configured speed.
There. You’re done!

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Nice guide! Great to finally see a guide on this!

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You might want to credit @mysz’s sticky zones guide:

Also, this guide is really short so it may get flagged.

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Oh ok! Thanks! I didn’t know @mysz made one


Nice guide!


Actually, you need a number higher than 1.00.
There is a 25-number difference between each speed number and the lowest is 0.25 while the highest is 4.00.


True, true. It’s just that most people don’t even realize it when you changed the speed so I had to make the change bigger.

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