How to make a zone just work for one team and not the other

How to make a zone just work for one team?

What do you mean, like Capture the Flag?

wire it to a trigger which only one team is allowed

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no, not the capture the flag

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Like what? For example, the barriers in Capture the Flag only let one team through.

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… like those but when a player is in a team zone (like a player from the team 1 is in a zone of team 2 and theres a counter that increments value (like propety of the other team) . and the counter has a target value (like till 0 - 10). and till the target is reached the team 1 captures the zone

Hmm… I don’t really know how to do that, but I have seen several guides on it. You might want to check those out.

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just do a zone wired to a trigger and the trigger is allowed for the specific team -_-

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